Jumat, 30 September 2011

10 Tips Keamanan Jaringan Home Wireless

Banyak orang menyiapkan jaringan rumah nirkabel terburu-buru melalui pekerjaan untuk mendapatkan konektivitas internet mereka bekerja secepat mungkin. That's totally understandable. Itu benar-benar dimengerti. It's also quite risky as numerous security problems can result. Ini juga cukup berisiko karena masalah keamanan banyak dapat hasil. Today's Wi-Fi networking products don't always help the situation as configuring their security features can be time-consuming and non-intuitive. Hari ini Wi-Fi produk-produk jaringan tidak selalu membantu situasi seperti mengkonfigurasi fitur keamanan mereka dapat memakan waktu dan non-intuitif. The recommendations below summarize the steps you should take to improve the security of your home wireless network. Rekomendasi di bawah ini merangkum langkah-langkah yang harus Anda ambil untuk meningkatkan keamanan jaringan nirkabel rumah Anda.

1. Change Default Administrator Passwords (and Usernames) 1. Mengubah Password Administrator default (dan Usernames)

At the core of most Wi-Fi home networks is an access point or router. Pada inti dari kebanyakan jaringan Wi-Fi rumah adalah titik akses atau router. To set up these pieces of equipment, manufacturers provide Web pages that allow owners to enter their network address and account information. Untuk mengatur potongan-potongan peralatan, produsen menyediakan halaman Web yang memungkinkan pemilik untuk memasukkan alamat jaringan mereka dan informasi account. These Web tools are protected with a login screen (username and password) so that only the rightful owner can do this. Alat-alat Web yang dilindungi dengan layar login (username dan password) sehingga hanya pemilik yang sah dapat melakukan hal ini. However, for any given piece of equipment, the logins provided are simple and very well-known to hackers on the Internet. Namun, untuk setiap bagian tertentu peralatan, yang diberikan login sederhana dan sangat terkenal untuk hacker di Internet. Change these settings immediately. Mengubah pengaturan ini segera.
2. Aktifkan (kompatibel) WPA / WEP Enkripsi All Wi-Fi equipment supports some form of encryption . Semua peralatan Wi-Fi mendukung beberapa bentuk enkripsi. Encryption technology scrambles messages sent over wireless networks so that they cannot be easily read by humans. Teknologi enkripsi mengacak pesan yang dikirim melalui jaringan nirkabel sehingga mereka tidak dapat dengan mudah dibaca oleh manusia. Several encryption technologies exist for Wi-Fi today. Ada beberapa teknologi enkripsi untuk Wi-Fi saat ini. Naturally you will want to pick the strongest form of encryption that works with your wireless network. Tentu Anda akan ingin memilih bentuk terkuat enkripsi yang bekerja dengan jaringan nirkabel Anda. However, the way these technologies work, all Wi-Fi devices on your network must share the identical encryption settings. Namun, cara teknologi ini bekerja, semua perangkat Wi-Fi pada jaringan Anda harus berbagi pengaturan enkripsi identik. Therefore you may need to find a "lowest common demoninator" setting. Oleh karena itu Anda mungkin perlu untuk menemukan "demoninator terendah umum" pengaturan.

3. Change the Default SSID 3. Ganti SSID default

Access points and routers all use a network name called the SSID . Akses poin dan router semua menggunakan nama jaringan yang disebut SSID . Manufacturers normally ship their products with the same SSID set. Produsen biasanya mengirimkan produk mereka dengan set SSID yang sama. For example, the SSID for Linksys devices is normally "linksys." Sebagai contoh, SSID untuk perangkat Linksys biasanya "linksys." True, knowing the SSID does not by itself allow your neighbors to break into your network, but it is a start. Benar, mengetahui SSID tidak dengan sendirinya memungkinkan tetangga Anda untuk masuk ke jaringan Anda, tetapi sebuah awal. More importantly, when someone finds a default SSID, they see it is a poorly configured network and are much more likely to attack it. Lebih penting lagi, ketika seseorang menemukan default SSID, mereka melihat itu adalah jaringan buruk dikonfigurasi dan jauh lebih mungkin untuk menyerang. Change the default SSID immediately when configuring wireless security on your network. Ubah default SSID segera ketika mengkonfigurasi keamanan nirkabel pada jaringan Anda.

4. Enable MAC Address Filtering 4. Aktifkan MAC Address Filtering

Each piece of Wi-Fi gear possesses a unique identifier called the physical address or MAC address . Setiap bagian dari peralatan Wi-Fi memiliki identifikasi unik yang disebut alamat fisik atau alamat MAC. Access points and routers keep track of the MAC addresses of all devices that connect to them. Akses poin dan router melacak alamat MAC dari semua perangkat yang terhubung ke mereka. Many such products offer the owner an option to key in the MAC addresses of their home equipment, that restricts the network to only allow connections from those devices. Banyak produk seperti pemilik menawarkan pilihan untuk memasukkan alamat MAC dari peralatan rumah mereka, yang membatasi jaringan untuk hanya mengizinkan koneksi dari perangkat tersebut. Do this, but also know that the feature is not so powerful as it may seem. Lakukan ini, tetapi juga tahu bahwa fitur ini tidak begitu kuat karena mungkin tampak. Hackers and their software programs can fake MAC addresses easily. Hacker dan program perangkat lunak mereka dapat alamat MAC palsu dengan mudah.

5. Disable SSID Broadcast 5. Nonaktifkan SSID Broadcast

In Wi-Fi networking, the wireless access point or router typically broadcasts the network name (SSID) over the air at regular intervals. Dalam jaringan Wi-Fi, titik akses nirkabel atau router biasanya siaran nama jaringan (SSID) melalui udara secara berkala. This feature was designed for businesses and mobile hotspots where Wi-Fi clients may roam in and out of range. Fitur ini dirancang untuk bisnis dan hotspot mobile di mana klien Wi-Fi dapat berkeliaran di dan keluar dari jangkauan. In the home, this roaming feature is unnecessary, and it increases the likelihood someone will try to log in to your home network. Di rumah, ini fitur roaming yang tidak perlu, dan meningkatkan kemungkinan seseorang akan mencoba untuk masuk ke jaringan rumah Anda. Fortunately, most Wi-Fi access points allow the SSID broadcast feature to be disabled by the network administrator. Untungnya, sebagian besar Wi-Fi akses poin memungkinkan fitur broadcast SSID akan dinonaktifkan oleh administrator jaringan.

6. Do Not Auto-Connect to Open Wi-Fi Networks 6. Jangan Auto-Hubungkan ke Open Jaringan Wi-Fi

Connecting to an open Wi-Fi network such as a free wireless hotspot or your neighbor's router exposes your computer to security risks. Menghubungkan ke jaringan Wi-Fi terbuka seperti hotspot nirkabel gratis atau router tetangga Anda menghadapkan komputer Anda untuk risiko keamanan. Although not normally enabled, most computers have a setting available allowing these connections to happen automatically without notifying you (the user). Meskipun biasanya tidak diaktifkan, kebanyakan komputer memiliki pengaturan yang tersedia memungkinkan koneksi ini terjadi secara otomatis tanpa memberitahu Anda (user). This setting should not be enabled except in temporary situations. Pengaturan ini tidak harus diaktifkan kecuali dalam situasi sementara.

7. Assign Static IP Addresses to Devices 7. Tetapkan Alamat IP statis ke Perangkat

Most home networkers gravitate toward using dynamic IP addresses . DHCP technology is indeed easy to set up. Networkers kebanyakan rumah condong menggunakan alamat IP dinamis. DHCP teknologi memang mudah untuk membuat. Unfortunately, this convenience also works to the advantage of network attackers, who can easily obtain valid IP addresses from your network's DHCP pool. Sayangnya, kenyamanan ini juga bekerja untuk keuntungan dari penyerang jaringan, yang dengan mudah dapat memperoleh alamat IP yang valid dari DHCP pool jaringan Anda. Turn off DHCP on the router or access point, set a fixed IP address range instead, then configure each connected device to match. Matikan DHCP pada router atau titik akses, menetapkan kisaran alamat IP tetap, bukan, kemudian mengkonfigurasi setiap perangkat yang terhubung untuk mencocokkan. Use a private IP address range (like 10.0.0.x) to prevent computers from being directly reached from the Internet. Gunakan rentang alamat IP pribadi (seperti 10.0.0.x) untuk mencegah komputer dari yang langsung mencapai dari Internet.

8. Enable Firewalls On Each Computer and the Router 8. Aktifkan Firewall Pada Setiap Komputer dan Router

Modern network routers contain built-in firewall capability, but the option also exists to disable them. Router jaringan modern mengandung built-in kemampuan firewall, tetapi juga ada pilihan untuk menonaktifkan mereka. Ensure that your router's firewall is turned on. Pastikan bahwa firewall router Anda diaktifkan. For extra protection, consider installing and running personal firewall software on each computer connected to the router. Untuk perlindungan ekstra, pertimbangkan untuk menginstal dan menjalankan perangkat lunak firewall pribadi pada setiap komputer yang terhubung ke router.

Wireless Security

Pengamanan perangkat wireless security pada media pc, laptop, dan notebook dilakukanlah beberapa kegiatan dan aktivitas, yaitu :

1. Menyembunyikan SSID
  Banyak administrator menyembunyikan Services Set Id (SSID) jaringan wireless mereka dengan maksud agar hanya yang mengetahui SSID yang dapat terhubung ke jaringan mereka. Hal ini tidaklah benar, karena SSID sebenarnya tidak dapat disembuyikan secara sempurna. Pada saat saat tertentu atau khususnya saat client akan terhubung (assosiate) atau ketika akan memutuskan diri (deauthentication) dari sebuah jaringan wireless, maka client akan tetap mengirimkan SSID dalam bentuk plain text (meskipun menggunakan enkripsi), sehingga jika kita bermaksud menyadapnya, dapat dengan mudah menemukan informasi tersebut. Beberapa tools yang dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan ssid yang dihidden antara lain, kismet (kisMAC), ssid_jack (airjack), aircrack , void11 dan masih banyak lagi.

2. Keamanan Wireless dengan metode Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
 WEP merupakan standart keamanan & enkripsi pertama yang digunakan pada wireless, WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) adalah suatu metoda pengamanan jaringan nirkabel, disebut juga dengan Shared Key Authentication. Shared Key Authentication adalah metoda otentikasi yang membutuhkan penggunaan WEP. Enkripsi WEP menggunakan kunci yang dimasukkan (oleh administrator) ke client maupun access point. Kunci ini harus cocok dari yang diberikan akses point ke client, dengan yang dimasukkan client untuk authentikasi menuju access point, dan WEP mempunyai standar 802.11b.
 Proses Shared Key Authentication:
1. client meminta asosiasi ke access point, langkah ini sama seperti Open System Authentication.
2. access point mengirimkan text challenge ke client secara transparan.
3. client akan memberikan respon dengan mengenkripsi text challenge dengan menggunakan kunci WEP dan mengirimkan kembali ke access point.
4. access point memberi respon atas tanggapan client, akses point akan melakukan decrypt terhadap respon enkripsi dari client untuk melakukan verifikasi bahwa text challenge dienkripsi dengan menggunakan WEP key yang sesuai. Pada proses ini, access point akan menentukan apakah client sudah memberikan kunci WEP yang sesuai. Apabila kunci WEP yang diberikan oleh client sudah benar, maka access point akan merespon positif dan langsung meng-authentikasi client. Namun bila kunci WEP yang dimasukkan client adalah salah, maka access point akan merespon negatif dan client tidak akan diberi authentikasi. Dengan demikian, client tidak akan terauthentikasi dan tidak terasosiasi.
 Menurut Arief Hamdani Gunawan, Komunikasi Data via IEEE 802.11, Shared Key Authentication kelihatannya lebih aman dari dari pada Open System Authentication, namun pada kenyataannya tidak. Shared Key malah membuka pintu bagi penyusup atau cracker. Penting untuk dimengerti dua jalan yang digunakan oleh WEP. WEP bisa digunakan untuk memverifikasi identitas client selama proses shared key dari authentikasi, tapi juga bisa digunakan untuk men-dekripsi data yang dikirimkan oleh client melalui access point.
 WEP memiliki berbagai kelemahan antara lain :
* Masalah kunci yang lemah, algoritma RC4 yang digunakan dapat dipecahkan.
* WEP menggunakan kunci yang bersifat statis
* Masalah initialization vector (IV) WEP
* Masalah integritas pesan Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC-32).
  WEP terdiri dari dua tingkatan, yakni kunci 64 bit, dan 128 bit. Sebenarnya kunci rahasia pada kunci WEP 64 bit hanya 40 bit, sedang 24bit merupakan Inisialisasi Vektor (IV). Demikian juga pada kunci WEP 128 bit, kunci rahasia terdiri dari 104bit.
Serangan-serangan pada kelemahan WEP antara lain :
* Serangan terhadap kelemahan inisialisasi vektor (IV), sering disebut FMS attack. FMS singkatan dari nama ketiga penemu kelemahan IV yakni Fluhrer, Mantin, dan Shamir. Serangan ini dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan IV yang lemah sebanyak-banyaknya. Semakin banyak IV lemah yang diperoleh, semakin cepat ditemukan kunci yang digunakan
* Mendapatkan IV yang unik melalui packet data yang diperoleh untuk diolah untuk proses cracking kunci WEP dengan lebih cepat. Cara ini disebut chopping attack, pertama kali ditemukan oleh h1kari. Teknik ini hanya membutuhkan IV yang unik sehingga mengurangi kebutuhan IV yang lemah dalam melakukan cracking WEP.
* Kedua serangan diatas membutuhkan waktu dan packet yang cukup, untuk mempersingkat waktu, para hacker biasanya melakukan traffic injection. Traffic Injection yang sering dilakukan adalah dengan cara mengumpulkan packet ARP kemudian mengirimkan kembali ke access point. Hal ini mengakibatkan pengumpulan initial vektor lebih mudah dan cepat. Berbeda dengan serangan pertama dan kedua, untuk serangan traffic injection,diperlukan spesifikasi alat dan aplikasi tertentu yang mulai jarang ditemui di toko-toko, mulai dari chipset, versi firmware, dan versi driver serta tidak jarang harus melakukan patching terhadap driver dan aplikasinya.

3. Keamanan wireless dengan metode WI-FI Protected Accsess (WPA)
  Merupakan rahasia umum jika WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) tidak lagi mampu diandalkan untuk menyediakan koneksi nirkabel (wireless) yang aman dari ulah orang usil atau ingin mengambil keuntungan atas apa yang kita miliki—dikenal dengan jargon hackers. Tidak lama setelah proses pengembangan WEP, kerapuhan dalam aspek kriptografi muncul.
  Berbagai macam penelitian mengenai WEP telah dilakukan dan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa walaupun sebuah jaringan wireless terlindungi oleh WEP, pihak ketiga (hackers) masih dapat membobol masuk. Seorang hacker yang memiliki perlengkapan wireless seadanya dan peralatan software yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisis cukup data, dapat mengetahui kunci enkripsi yang digunakan.
  Menyikapi kelemahan yang dimiliki oleh WEP, telah dikembangkan sebuah teknik pengamanan baru yang disebut sebagai WPA (WiFI Protected Access). Teknik WPA adalah model kompatibel dengan spesifikasi standar draf IEEE 802.11i. Teknik ini mempunyai beberapa tujuan dalam desainnya, yaitu kokoh, interoperasi, mampu digunakan untuk menggantikan WEP, dapat diimplementasikan pada pengguna rumahan atau corporate, dan tersedia untuk publik secepat mungkin. Adanya WPA yang "menggantikan" WPE, apakah benar perasaan "tenang" tersebut didapatkan? Ada banyak tanggapan pro dan kontra mengenai hal tersebut. Ada yang mengatakan, WPA mempunyai mekanisme enkripsi yang lebih kuat. Namun, ada yang pesimistis karena alur komunikasi yang digunakan tidak aman, di mana teknik man- in-the-middle bisa digunakan untuk mengakali proses pengiriman data. Agar tujuan WPA tercapai, setidaknya dua pengembangan sekuriti utama dilakukan. Teknik WPA dibentuk untuk menyediakan pengembangan enkripsi data yang menjadi titik lemah WEP, serta menyediakan user authentication yang tampaknya hilang pada pengembangan konsep WEP.
  Teknik WPA didesain menggantikan metode keamanan WEP, yang menggunakan kunci keamanan statik, dengan menggunakan TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) yang mampu secara dinamis berubah setelah 10.000 paket data ditransmisikan. Protokol TKIP akan mengambil kunci utama sebagai starting point yang kemudian secara reguler berubah sehingga tidak ada kunci enkripsi yang digunakan dua kali. Background process secara otomatis dilakukan tanpa diketahui oleh pengguna. Dengan melakukan regenerasi kunci enkripsi kurang lebih setiap lima menit, jaringan WiFi yang menggunakan WPA telah memperlambat kerja hackers yang mencoba melakukan cracking kunci terdahulu.
  Walaupun menggunakan standar enkripsi 64 dan 128 bit, seperti yang dimiliki teknologi WEP, TKIP membuat WPA menjadi lebih efektif sebagai sebuah mekanisme enkripsi. Namun, masalah penurunan throughput seperti yang dikeluhkan oleh para pengguna jaringan wireless seperti tidak menemui jawaban dari dokumen standar yang dicari. Sebab, masalah yang berhubungan dengan throughput sangatlah bergantung pada hardware yang dimiliki, secara lebih spesifik adalah chipset yang digunakan. Anggapan saat ini, jika penurunan throughput terjadi pada implementasi WEP, maka tingkat penurunan tersebut akan jauh lebih besar jika WPA dan TKIP diimplementasikan walaupun beberapa produk mengklaim bahwa penurunan throughput telah diatasi, tentunya dengan penggunaan chipset yang lebih besar kemampuan dan kapasitasnya.
  Proses otentifikasi WPA menggunakan 802.1x dan EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol). Secara bersamaan, implementasi tersebut akan menyediakan kerangka kerja yang kokoh pada proses otentifikasi pengguna. Kerangka-kerja tersebut akan melakukan utilisasi sebuah server otentifikasi terpusat, seperti RADIUS, untuk melakukan otentifikasi pengguna sebelum bergabung ke jaringan wireless. Juga diberlakukan mutual authentification, sehingga pengguna jaringan wireless tidak secara sengaja bergabung ke jaringan lain yang mungkin akan mencuri identitas jaringannya.
  Mekanisme enkripsi AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) tampaknya akan diadopsi WPA dengan mekanisme otentifikasi pengguna. Namun, AES sepertinya belum perlu karena TKIP diprediksikan mampu menyediakan sebuah kerangka enkripsi yang sangat tangguh walaupun belum diketahui untuk berapa lama ketangguhannya dapat bertahan.
  Bagi para pengguna teknologi wireless, pertanyaannya bukanlah dititikberatkan pada pemahaman bahwaWPAadalah lebih baik dari WEP, namun lebih kepada improvisasi tepat guna yang mampu menyelesaikan masalah keamanan wireless saat ini. Di kemudian hari, kita akan beranggapan pengguna adalah raja. Apa yang dibutuhkan para pengguna teknologi wireless adalah kemudahan menggunakan teknologi itu. Untuk dapat menggunakan "kelebihan" yang dimiliki WPA, pengguna harus memiliki hardware dan software yang kompatibel dengan standar tersebut. Dari sisi hardware, hal tersebut berarti wireless access points dan wireless NIC (Network Interface Card) yang digunakan harus mengenali standar WPA. Sayang, sebagian produsen hardware tidak akan mendukung WPA melalui firmware upgrade, sehingga pengguna seperti dipaksa membeli wireless hardware baru untuk menggunakan WPA.
  Dari sisi software, belum ada sistem operasi Windows yang mendukung WPA secara default. Komputer yang menggunakan system operasi Windows dengan hardware kompatibel dengan standar WPA dapat mengimplementasikannya setelah menginstal WPA client. WPA client baru dapat bekerja pada sistem operasi Windows Server 2003 dan Windows XP. Bagi para pengguna sistem operasi lainnya belum ditemukan informasi mengenai kemungkinan mengimplementasikan WPA.
  Melakukan migrasi hardware dan implementasi WPA dapat dibayangkan sebagai sebuah pekerjaan yang sangat besar. Untungnya, hal tersebut bukanlah sesuatu yang harus dilakukan pada saat yang bersamaan. Wireless Access Points dapat mendukung WPA dan WEP secara bersamaan. Hal ini memungkinkan migrasi perlahan ke implementasi WPA.
  Pada jaringan wireless yang membutuhkan tingkat sekuriti tingkat tinggi, variasi sistem tambahan proprietari dibuat untuk menjadi standar transmisi WiFi. Pada perkembangannya, beberapa produsen WiFi telah mengembangkan teknologi enkripsi untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan pengamanan jaringan wireless.
4. MAC Filtering
Hampir setiap wireless access point maupun router difasilitasi dengan keamanan MAC Filtering. Hal ini sebenarnya tidak banyak membantu dalam mengamankan komunikasi wireless, karena MAC address sangat mudah dispoofing atau bahkan dirubah. Tools ifconfig pada OS Linux/Unix atau beragam tools spt network utilitis, regedit, smac, machange pada OS windows dengan mudah digunakan untuk spoofing atau mengganti MAC address. Penulis masih sering menemukan wifi di perkantoran dan bahkan ISP (yang biasanya digunakan oleh warnet-warnet) yang hanya menggunakan proteksi MAC Filtering. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi wardriving seperti kismet/kisMAC atau aircrack tools, dapat diperoleh informasi MAC address tiap client yang sedang terhubung ke sebuah Access Point. Setelah mendapatkan informasi tersebut, kita dapat terhubung ke Access point dengan mengubah MAC sesuai dengan client tadi. Pada jaringan wireless, duplikasi MAC adress tidak mengakibatkan konflik. Hanya membutuhkan IP yang berbeda dengan client yang tadi.
5. Captive Portal
Infrastruktur Captive Portal awalnya didesign untuk keperluan komunitas yang memungkinkan semua orang dapat terhubung (open network). Captive portal sebenarnya merupakan mesin router atau gateway yang memproteksi atau tidak mengizinkan adanya trafik hingga user melakukan registrasi/otentikasi. Berikut cara kerja captive portal :
* user dengan wireless client diizinkan untuk terhubung wireless untuk mendapatkan IP address (DHCP).
* block semua trafik kecuali yang menuju ke captive portal (Registrasi/Otentikasi berbasis web) yang terletak pada jaringan kabel.
* redirect atau belokkan semua trafik web ke captive portal
* setelah user melakukan registrasi atau login, izinkan akses ke jaringan (internet).
  Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan, bahwa captive portal hanya melakukan tracking koneksi client berdasarkan IP dan MAC address setelah melakukan otentikasi. Hal ini membuat captive portal masih dimungkinkan digunakan tanpa otentikasi karena IP dan MAC adress dapat dispoofing. Serangan dengan melakukan spoofing IP dan MAC. Spoofing MAC adress seperti yang sudah dijelaskan pada bagian 4 diatas. Sedang untuk spoofing IP, diperlukan usaha yang lebih yakni dengan memanfaatkan ARP cache poisoning, kita dapat melakukan redirect trafik dari client yang sudah terhubung sebelumnya. Serangan lain yang cukup mudah dilakukan adalah menggunakan Rogue AP, yaitu mensetup Access Point (biasanya menggunakan HostAP) yang menggunakan komponen informasi yang sama seperti AP target seperti SSID, BSSID hingga kanal frekuensi yang digunakan. Sehingga ketika ada client yang akan terhubung ke AP buatan kita, dapat kita membelokkan trafik ke AP sebenarnya. Tidak jarang captive portal yang dibangun pada suatu hotspot memiliki kelemahan pada konfigurasi atau design jaringannya. Misalnya, otentikasi masih menggunakan plain text (http), managemen jaringan dapat diakses melalui wireless (berada pada satu network), dan masih banyak lagi. Kelemahan lain dari captive portal adalah bahwa komunikasi data atau trafik ketika sudah melakukan otentikasi (terhubung jaringan) akan dikirimkan masih belum terenkripsi, sehingga dengan mudah dapat disadap oleh para hacker. Untuk itu perlu berhati-hati melakukan koneksi pada jaringan hotspot, agar mengusahakan menggunakan komunikasi protokol yang aman seperti https,pop3s, ssh, imaps dst.

sumber : http://syamsuddin-ideris.blogspot.com/2009/08/wireless-security.html

Wireless Security Recommendations for Rutgers

Wireless networking has great potential for improving access to services at Rutgers. For this reason, it has been spreading rapidly around the campus. Unfortunately, many implementations are being done without attention to issues of security and authentication. As a result, most wireless networks at Rutgers are set up so that anyone with proper equipment can access the Rutgers network, even from outside the building. Anyone with the proper equipment can also spy on traffic. They can see users' passwords as well as other data. As Rutgers moves more and more services online, the amount of damage that can be done by having unauthorized people who learn passwords of Rutgers users is increasing.
These dangers are not just theoretical. Tools to tap nearby wireless networks are widely available, even for palmtop devices. A whole subculture has sprung up of people going around, scanning for open wireless nodes, and publicizing them to people who want free wireless access.
The ISS Wireless security FAQ is a good introduction to wireless technology and its security risks, although it hasn't been updated recently. As pointed out in this FAQ, the underlying problem with wireless networking is that anyone in the vicinity of your building can watch everything that happens on the network, and use the network for themselves.
For a more technical discussion of available security and authentication technologies, see the Wireless LAN Security Site.
Note that there are two primary security issues:
  • Access - making sure that only authorized people can use the wireless network. Without proper access control anyone in the vicinity of the building can use the wireless network, and thus get access to RUnet.
  • Privacy - making sure that no one can watch your communications. Without this, anyone any the vicinity of the building can watch everything you do on a wireless network. This will let them steal your passwords and look at everything you are doing.
You will need to adopt solutions that cover both of these issues. Some of the approaches address only one, other address both. As a quick summary, there are two approaches commonly used at Rutgers:
  1. WPA or possibly WEP for access control and some level of privacy; supplemented by end to end encryption for privacy
  2. End to end encryption (typically SSL) for privacy, and special gateway systems for access control (see below)
Generally small installations use the first approach with WPA in "personal" mode, and larger ones the second approach. While it is not common at Rutgers, another possible approach for larger installations would be to use WPA in "enterprise" mode. (However there is a significant user support implication to that, because WPA in enterprise mode requires all of your users to have 802.1x supplicant software on their systems and know how to use it.)
This document will present WPA, then end to end encryption, and finally the services appropriate for larger installations. If you are planning to set up something for yourself or a few people in a department, we recommend reading about WPA and end to end encryption.
A few installations use MAC address checks for access control and end to end encryption for privacy. While this probably meets the requirements of the Wireless policy, we do not recommend it. Managing MAC addresses is difficult. It's generally better to use one of the two approaches listed above.


WPA and WEP are technologies that "encrypt" the traffic on your network. That is, they scramble it so that an attacker can't make any sense of it. To unscramble it at the other end, all systems using it must know a "key" or password.
Note that WPA is now in a second generation, referred to as WPA2. Unless otherwise specified, this document uses "WPA" to refer to both.
WPA and WEP provide both access control and privacy. Privacy comes from the encryption. Access control comes from the fact that someone must know the password to use your network.
For this reason, for small networks, using WPA is enough to meet the requirements of the Wireless policy. However you will still want to make sure that any services that use a password or other private information use SSL or some other type of end to end encryption.
WEP is significantly less secure than WPA, but can be used until your equipment can be upgraded to support WPA. While WEP is widely regarded as insecure, it is still a lot better than nothing.
WPA has two modes, personal and enterprise. For small installations you'll want to use personal mode. It just requires a password. Enterprise mode is for larger installations, that have a Radius server that will support WPA.
The primary problem with WPA in personal mode is that it has a single password, which you must tell to all users. That becomes impractical for larger installations.
WPA in enterprise mode requires each user to login with their own username and password. That simplifies management in large installations, because you don't have to distribute a common password to all your users. However it is a bit more complex to implement:
  • Each user's system must have special software to let the user login to the network. This software is referred to as an "802.1x supplicant".
  • The access point must support WPA enterprise mode. The access point is configured to talk to a RADIUS server, which is a central server that actually checks the password.
  • You must have a RADIUS server that supports WPA enterprise mode. While the RADIUS server may have its own list of usernames and passwords, it would be more common for it to talk to an LDAP or Active Directory server, so that users login to the network with the same password that they use for other services.
For this reason, most large implementations at Rutgers do not use enterprise mode. Instead they use separate gateway boxes for access control, and depend upon end to end encryption for privacy. One can argue that this is not as secure as WPA enterprise mode, but it avoids the support implications of requiring users to login to the network with an 802.1x supplicant.

Choosing a good password

It is critical to use a good password. There are attacks against WPA that will break your security if your password uses words or any other well-known sequences. WPA allows passwords as long as 63 characters. We strongly recommend using a long random password, or at the very least a long phrase (at least 20 characters, but preferably longer). The phrase should not be taken from any web site or published work. Most software saves the password, so you only need to type it once on each system.
Even better than a long phrase is a truly random password. For example, consider using http://rulink.rutgers.edu/random.php3. This generates a random 32-character hex string. You can combine two of them (and leave off one character) to get a 63-character password.


WEP "Wireless Equivalent Privacy" was part of the original wireless specifications, so almost all hardware supports it. Unfortunately it is also fairly insecure. Hackers can easily find out the password and then do anything they want with your network. The software for doing this is widely available.
WPA "Wifi Protected Access" is a modified version of WEP, which changes the effective key quite often. It is much more secure than WEP. While there are theoretical attacks, it is currently believed that they are not practical as long as you use a good password .
As of Sept 31, 2003, all new 802.11b and g hardware that is tested for Wi-Fi certification must implement WPA. Thus WPA should now be fairly widely available.
WPA2 is a second-generation implementation, based on new encryption technology. The original WPA used the WEP encryption, improved by frequent key changes. In contrast, WPA2 is based on new encryption technology, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Certification for WPA2 started in September, 2004. As of March 13, 2006, all equipment using the WiFi trademark must be certified for WPA2.
It is possible to mix WPA and WPA2 clients on a single network. As long as the access point supports WPA2 mixed mode, systems that support WPA2 will use AES and older systems will use WPA (except for broadcast or multicast traffic).
See Wireless LAN Security Site for more specific information.

Other common precautions

There are two other security precautions available in most wireless hardware:
  • MAC address control
  • disabling SSID broadcast
MAC address control is a feature -- available on most access points -- that causes the access point only to talk to specific wireless devices. Each device (e.g. the wireless card that you put in your laptop) has a "MAC address" assigned to it. This address should be shown on the card. It will be a 12-digit hex number. Sometimes it is shown with punctuation, e.g. 00:07:50:03:6b:c0. Other times it is simply 12 hex digits, e.g. 000750036bc0. You register this address with the access point. The access point will only talk to cards that are registered.
In my opinion this is not necessary if you are using WPA with reasonably good passwords, at least not if you have just a few users. If you have a large user community, your password is likely to get out. For larger installations, we recommend a gateway box with login controls rather than MAC address control.
"SSID" is the technical term for the network name. You enter this into the access point when you set it up. (Don't leave the name as the default, or you are likely to conflict with other access points in your area. Normally you use your name or some name associated with your department.) Access points normally advertise this name by broadcasting it regularly.
This broadcast is used by people as a starting point to find networks to attack. For that reason, most access points let you turn off broadcast of the SSID. Often this is called making it a "closed network." In theory, closed networks are more secure, because an attacker won't notice them.
However in practice it is probably not a good idea. First, hacker software has other ways of locating closed networks. Anyone who can break WEP or WPA will be using tools that do not depend upon SSID broadcasts.
Second, disabling SSID broadcasts makes it more difficult for other people to set up and manage nearby networks. It's useful to see how many networks are operating on each channel, without having to go to hacker tools.

End to end encryption: SSL, SSH, etc

The approaches described in the previous section all work at the network level. That is, they are based on features of the network cards and access points. This is extremely useful protection, particluarly if you can use WPA or WPA2.
However most security experts believe that encrypting at the network level isn't enough. Thus we strongly urge you to use end to end encryption. In fact our larger installations depend upon end to end encryption, and do not use WPA. (However they then need a separate method to control access.)
End to end encrytion means that the whole conversation is encrypted, from your PC to the service you talking to. The most commonly used end to end encryption is SSL. As long as you are using SSL to talk to a web server, your conversation is private. It doesn't matter whether someone can watch your wireless network. They won't be able to make sense of what they are seeing, because it is encrypted. It is possible to use SSL with other services such as email.
SSH is another common end to end method of encryption. SSH is often used as a replacement for telnet: there are SSH clients that let you log into systems just as telnet would. The difference is that the SSH connection is encrypted. SSH can also be used with other services, such as copying files (a replacement for FTP in many circumstances).
Thus one way to deal with the privacy problem is to make sure that users only use services that are secured with SSL, SSH, or some other encryption technology. In particular, you would need to make sure that any service that requires a password uses encryption.
While possible, this solution is going to require great care. You will need to
  1. Examine every network service used by your users
  2. Verify that they can all be accessed using a secure protocol such as SSL and SSH
  3. Verify that your users have configured their systems to use the secure protocol. (In many cases access is insecure by default -- users need to enable encryption.)
OIT has largely finished this process for its public services. As of July, 2003, all email and web services using the standard Rutgers password must be handled using SSL or SSH.
However if you are going to depend upon end to end encryption, you will need to implement similar precautions for your departmental services, and any other services used by your users.

Using Valid Certificates

If you are going to depend upon end to end encryption, you will need to caution users to pay attention to security warnings. As noted above, it is particularly easy to impersonate a well-known server on a wireless network, or to do what is called a "man in the middle attack." The best protection against this is the fact that SSH and SSL use digital certificates to verify the identify of the server.
Unfortunately the user has to pay attention in order to get the benefits of this protection. If you are talking to a fake server, the user will normally see an error message saying that there is something wrong with the certificate presented by the server. If users commonly click through error messages, they may end up talking to a rogue server. That server can then steal their password. If the rogue server passes the transaction through to the real server, the user may never know that their password has been stolen. More ambitious attacks could steal any information that the user has access to, and even change data on servers.
If we're going to ask users to start paying attention to messages about certificates, this means we are going to have to start using valid certificates on all servers. Currently OIT buys commercial certificates from Verisign or Thawte for our major servers. However experimental or small-scale services may use "self-signed" certificates. These certificates will generate warning messages.
We suggest that all areas of the University use commercial certificates for any service that is going to be used widely, particularly by wireless users. As an alternative, you may ask the RULink Project to sign a certificate request for you. But if you do this, you'll need to make sure that your users load the RULink Project CA Certificate.

Access control

Access control means limiting who can use your network. This is important for two primary reasons:
  • If others are using your network, it is likely to be slower for your authorized users.
  • The University periodically receives reports of abuse from systems on the network. E.g. someone may be sending spam or threatening email. Those reports will be sent to department that operates the network from which the problem originated. If you don't have any way to limit access to your network, you have no way to know who might have done it, nor any way to prevent reoccurrence.
WPA is intended primarily to protect privacy. However it also provides a reasonable degree of access control, as long as you have few enough users that you can control who has access to the password, or you use WPA in enterprise mode.
For larger installations, we suggest using a wireless gateway, or WPA operating in enterprise mode. Both of these require the user to login before they get access. Both let you use departmental accounts or the Rutgers NetID.
Wireless gateways are boxes placed between the wireless network and the rest of RUNet. They keep track of active users (by MAC address), and require a login for a new user. Normally they use a web interface. They trap attempts to access any web site, and put up a login screen.
Rutgers uses two different types of wireless gateway:
  • Bluesocket systems
  • Linux systems using special-purpose software, such as the system from the New Brunswick computer science department
Both provide essentialy the same features, although the Bluesocket systems are easier to manage. The OIT campus divisions are prepared to provide Bluesocket-based service to any department that needs it, on a contract basis.

Basic security

The discussion above has focused on issues that are specific to wireless technology. You also need to make sure that all systems you use have good basic security. If you are using general-purpose systems (e.g. Windows or Linux) in any part of your infrastructure, they need to be hardened. If you are using "appliances" or other sorts of dedicated hardware, look carefully at their security. Do they have any remote management, e.g. a web interface? If so, make sure you change any default passwords, and restrict access as much as possible (e.g. just to workstations from which you will actually be doing management, if this is possible).
These days even access points are "intelligent", so you need to do the same kind of security checks that you would with any other component. Make sure you have complete documentation for all ways to manage your access points.
Many devices, including both access points and appliances, permit management using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). This is a standard protocol for managing a variety of devices. There are common tools for dealing with SNMP devices. SNMP management has both good points and dangers. You can sometimes do things using SNMP that you can't using the vendor's GUI interface. E.g. with some products you can disable SSID broadcasts using SNMP but not with their normal interface. However SNMP is also a security issue: it is often shipped using a default password. When you are changing passwords, make sure you change the SNMP password (often called the "community") as well as the more visible ones. Indeed I would normally disable SNMP unless I'm actually using it.


Unfortunately SSL and SSH are not yet sufficiently widespread that we can be sure all activity is covered by one or the other of them. Another approach is to use VPN ("virtual private network") technology. This creates another layer of networking on top of the wireless network. This layer is encrypted. Because VPNs are implemented in software (at least on the user's end), they are independent of any weaknesses in the network technology, and they can be used with any vendor's network cards. Windows and several other operating systems come with the software needed to use a VPN. However you will need to supply something on the other end.
There are similarities between SSL/SSH and a VPN: both encrypt your communications. The difference is that SSL and SSH are used for individual connections. E.g. when you are talking to a web server using SSL, the specific connection between you and the web server is encrypted using SSL. With a VPN, all of your traffic goes through a single encrypted connection. If every service you talk to supports SSL or SSH, the result is the same.
A typical VPN setup will look like this:
|                 |*access point                 user laptop
normal | | user laptop
dept |--- VPN box -----|*access point user laptop
network | | air user laptop
| wireless |*access point user laptop
| support | user laptop
| network |*access point user laptop
The two vertical lines represent wired networks. The one on the left is a normal departmental network, part of RUnet. The one to its right is the wireless support network, a separate wired network or VLAN used just to connect access points. Its only connection to RUnet is through the VPN box. The wireless access points are connected to that wireless support network.
In order to access any system at Rutgers or the Internet, users must first establish a VPN connection to the box. Once the VPN is established, all of their communcations are encrypted. In fact all of their communications go over a single connection to the VPN box. That box then separates out the various connections and sends them to appropriate places within RUnet or the Internet. Because all access to RUnet goes through the VPN box, intruders can't access RUnet.
The VPN box should be configured so that users must establish a VPN from their laptop to it. In the process of establishing the VPN, they need a username and a password. Thus this approach deals with both access and privacy issues. It deals with access issues, because users must specify a username and password in order to establish the VPN. It deals with privacy issues because all traffic is encrypted.
The significant drawbacks to VPNs are
  1. All users will need to set up VPN software. This may require significant user support.
  2. There are situations where this approach is probably not practical. The primary one involves guests.
If you take this approach, you need to think about how you will handle guests. E.g. if you host a conference, and attendees expect to use laptops, it may not be practical to get all of them to set up VPN software. You may also have people from other institutions that need to access their home institutions using a corporate firewall. It is normally not practical to use two VPN's at once. So if someone needs to use VPN software to get into their home network, they probably will not be able to use your wireless VPN. For these reasons people implementing this approach should plan on having the ability for selected users to bypass the VPN. However this bypass needs to be controlled so that normal Rutgers users don't use it. Otherwise their passwords will be compromised.
During 2003, OIT implemented wireless networking in a number of locations using hardware from Bluesocket. This hardware was configured to require all connections to use a VPN. Unfortunately, we found that there were serious problems configuring client software to use the VPN's. We have run into endless configuration and compatibility problems. Thus as of late October, 2003, we made VPN use optional. We suspect most users will not enable it. Thus OIT will be relying upon end to end encryption for privacy, and on the login system implemented by the Bluesocket systems for access control.


Note that every one of the alternatives below has a significant requirement for user support. If you are going to use wireless networking, you need to be prepared for this. In evaluating network-related hardware, you might want to look at the reviews sections of www.smallnetbuilder.com.
1. If you currently have a network with no security at all, the easiest thing for you to do is to enable WPA or WEP.
There is a significant support implication to this approach: you will need to make sure that all users have the proper key or password configured on their system. If you also restrict on the basis of NIC address, you will need to maintain a list of NIC addresses of every one of your users.
2. For larger installations, we recommend putting a wireless gateway between your wireless network and the rest of the network, or using WPA in Enterprise mode. Note however that WPA in enterprise mode will require all users to have and know how to use 801.1x supplicant software. We do not yet have enough experience to know how practical this is.
3. In either case, we recommend making sure that all services you provide to users are protected by end to end encryption (SSL, ssh, etc). This is required if you use the Rutgers NetID and password for the service.

reference http://techdir.rutgers.edu/wireless.html

Teknik Untuk Wireless Security

Karena trafik yang mengalir melalui gelombang radio dalam jaringan wireless, mudah bagi penyerang untuk memantau dan menyerang data tanpa harus secara fisik terhubung ke jaringan. Penyerang mendapatkan akses ke jaringan dengan menjadi dalam jangkauan jaringan wireless  yang tidak dilindungi. Seorang teknisi harus tahu bagaimana untuk mengkonfigurasi Access Points dan Wireless Network Interface Cards (NICs) ke level keamanan yang tepat.

Saat menginstal layanan wireless, kamu harus segera menerapkan teknik keamanan wireless untuk mencegah akses yang tidak diinginkan ke jaringan. Wireless Access Point harus dikonfigurasi dengan pengaturan keamanan dasar yang kompatibel dengan keamanan jaringan yang ada.

Seorang penyerang dapat mengakses data saat dikirimkan melalui sinyal radio. Sebuah sistem enkripsi wireless dapat digunakan untuk mencegah yang tidak diinginkan dan menggunakan data dengan pengkodean informasi yang dikirimkan. Kedua ujung setiap link harus menggunakan Standar Enkripsi yang sama.
Tingkat keamanan yang dijelaskan di sini:

-     Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) 
                 Keamanan standar generasi pertama untuk wireless. Penyerang dengan cepat menemukan bahwa enkripsi WEP mudah untuk dirusak. Kunci enkripsi yang digunakan untuk menyandikan pesan dapat dideteksi oleh program pengawasan. Setelah kata kunci diperoleh, pesan dapat dengan mudah diterjemahkan.

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) 
                 Sebuah versi perbaikan dari WEP. Diciptakan sebagai solusi sementara sampai 802.11i (layer security untuk sistem wireless) sepenuhnya diterapkan. Sekarang 802.11i telah diratifikasi, WPA2 telah dirilis. Ini mencakup semua standar 802.11i

-    Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP), 
                 Juga disebut EAP-Cisco, protokol keamanan wireless yang dibuat oleh Cisco untuk mengatasi  kelemahan WEP dan WPA. LEAP adalah pilihan yang baik saat menggunakan peralatan Cisco dalam berhubungan dengan sistem operasi seperti Windows dan Linux.

Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) adalah securitylayer yang digunakan dalam perangkat mobile yang menggunakan Wireless Applications Protocol (WAP). Perangkat mobile tidak memiliki banyak bandwidth cadangan untuk menyediakan untuk protokol keamanan. WTLS dirancang untuk memberikan keamanan untuk perangkat WAP dalam  bandwidth efisien.

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